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     My work explores the pictorial interpretation of contact with memories, feelings of loss, and nostalgia. It takes shapes of installations, garments, and sculptures. Drawing is always an integral part of my practice, either as a direct storytelling vehicle or as a delicate technical approach. I mostly work with graphite, ink, and watercolors, and experiment with steel wire, scoby leather, and plant-seeded fabric. In my work, I contrast solid structures with transient materials to evoke an ethereal essence within my pieces.

     My practice is a space for escapism, where I can temporarily reconcile the juxtaposed aspects of my cultural heritage and lived experience. I am deeply influenced by post-Soviet architecture, the bleak grayness of it, and yet I want to see it decay and recede into a distant memory. Nature is my other source of inspiration, as is human violence towards it. Heavy manmade structures and fragile elements of nature weave through my art, creating stories of melancholic nostalgia, misplacement, and conscious indifference. In my work I seek to create a space for introspection and contemplation, inviting viewers to explore the complexities of memory and emotion.


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